To get a small business up and running, or to hold it in business, it should have financing. This often could be acquired through a business loan. Small businesses can submit an application for a loan from banks or financial institutions such as credit unions. Generally, banking institutions do not provide financial loans to start-up companies, however, they do provide loans to current businesses that are already up and running.
If you are a start-up business in the Netherlands, you will have to do more research. You can check out this link – to compare loan options for small businesses. Below are general steps you can take to get the financing you need for your business.
Determine the purpose and amount of the loan
For business owners, the purpose and the amount of the loan they need are quite obvious. But this is not entirely true. Vague reasons are not sufficient. Business owners will have to be more specific. They have to come up with a business plan to break down the financial needs they require. In most cases, business owners are only able to determine their needs after a financial statement had been created.
Talk to a financial advisor
If you are in a dilemma or confused about where to start, it always makes sense to speak to a financial advisor. Locate a trusted financial advisor who had already been tested by friends or family. You can also seek financial advice from Small Business Administration organizations in your area.
Know your credit standing
Is your business less than three years old? If so, expect that your personal credit history will be subject to evaluation. Therefore, it is just wise to get your credit history in order before submitting an application for a loan. Request a copy of your credit report from major credit reporting agencies. Review your credit report and check for errors. If you identified one, send a letter to the credit reporting agency with details of the error and request it to be fixed.
Review your options
Look into commercial banks accessible to you. Large traditional banks have strict requirements for loan applications so it is best to check on smaller regional commercial banks too as you may have a better chance of being approved. Specialized lending institutions like credit unions could be good options too. Credit unions extend financial help to their members, so if you are a member of a local credit union, you can inquire about the loans that they can offer. You may also want to consider a microfinance loan. Many startups took microfinancing to get started with their business.
Prepare Your Business Plan
This could be your most crucial step. To get a small business financial loan from any loan company, you need to make a very good business plan. A business plan helps put everything into perspective – how much you can borrow, your repayment, and how you can repay. A business plan together with your loan application are the top requirements for every lending company. Your financial advisor can help you complete a business plan to make sure that all the pertinent information is included. Once you have your business plan in place, you are ready for presentation. Call the lending company for an appointment.
Final Thoughts
Every established business will tell you that applying for a business loan (regardless of the size of the business) is a challenge. Banks will investigate and will put your business and even your personal affairs under a microscope. Nonetheless, if everything goes well with the bank, you can get the amount you need and even the support in launching your business.