Your current financial situation is a personal matter. There are some who expect to enjoy financial freedom ASAP which requires them to get summer job or after-school work during high school and open savings account for what the future holds.
Don’t Look at it as a Rat Race
Young adults who flourished from this experience may feel as if they have handled everything on their own.
Then again, there are some families who enjoy taking care of their children under their umbrella. The truth is, there is now a trend of parents assisting their adult children to buy their first home, move back as an adult for varying reasons. While for some, this sounds strange, but this is the trend that is going on right now.
It’s How You Manage Your Finances
Families are different and likewise with the experience they have gone through. However, if your end goal is to be financially secured and prove something to your parents, why not set a timeline to meet your goals? It’s funny to think that millennial appear to have bigger expectations when it comes to financial independence than the generations preceded them.
And across generations median age that citizens in the US expect the adults to be financially free at the age of 23.